Friday, 26 February 2016

Boost your cardio workout with this 30 min leg workout


I guess this goes for all the ladies who love to go to lessons in the fittness centers. Yes, so do I! So I guess you might have been dancing, doing aerobic or bodycombat before. With this extra 30 minutes, you can easily get the full benefit out of the visit to gym. :) A little extra will take so much faster to the summer body :)

I did it after bodycombat, so I was a bt out of breath afterwards. There is no harm to do heavy whole body movements, like deadlifts, I usually incorporate those movements to all the workout. But with this workout, I played safe, because I di not want to risk to be injured because of bad form. Usually the more tired the body is, the less power it has to maintain the correct technique. This workout will keep your body burning the calories while increasing power :) Do not let super long breaks, about 30-45 seconds between sets.

1. Warm up: Cardio of your choice (for me 50 min of bodycombat)

12x3 leg press. If you can, increase weights with every round!

2. 3x12 leg extensions

Now you can do the following two movements either as separate movements, or continue to the movement 4. directly after movement 3 without a break and then combine the two.  In this way, you make it extra hard for you! So: first 12 back extensions. then directly 15 kettlebells swings, then a small break and repeat his cycle three times :)

3. Back extension 12x3

4. Kettlebell swing 15 x 3

5. Lunges on the stepper
    1. first round, do 10 per side with light weights
    2. Repeat again 10 per side, but now raise your knee when you are standing on the stepper
    3. Repeat again 10 per side, but now do it with a jump!
    4. Do still 15 small pulses per side, without a step

6. 12 x3 sumo squats (with a heavy dumbbell, kettlebell or bar on your shoulders)

Yees!!! :D I counted that this workout only burned more than 400 kcals, without any cardio included, which is quite good for a gym workout :)

And then to relax in the sauna <3 well deserved!


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