Wednesday, 6 January 2016

New year, new start! Let's get fit one fitness challenge at a time

So the idea to write a blog together, was iniated together in December. We were doing sports together with my boyfriend Robert regularly, but were afraid of losing motivation in 2016. Since now we have to exercise separately, while I moved back to Finland to finish my studies but Robert stays in Berlin. Consequently, we decided to motivate each other remotely by posting different challenges 5 times a week. I am so excited! Hehe, while we share the responsibility, the challenges will be different and while we both do them, there is a little competition to push the limits :)

I can tell a little bit about our goals, while then you can better understand what we are after. We have been both doing Krav maga, which is a martial arts style from Israel, been jogging and doing some body weight and weight training at home. Robert finds is hard to gain weight and muscles so his New Year's resolution was to gain more muscles. For me, I would like to get bikini-fit and increase my general strength and endurance. Idea is to loose the belly pooch, that I got due to long days in office and my good appetite.

How we aim to do this? We have long term plans that we are following, both for exercise and for diet.     To keep the interest and motivation high, we will give small daily challenges for each other to keep sure that we won't get bored. We hope that you will join us, do the challenges and then comment on how did you feel about it :)

We keep on following the results and updating how the diet and exercise plans work for us. We act as guinea pigs, so that you can see if the provided diet really works and how difficult it is to stick with. Most of all we want to support for each other and everyone who joins to get and stay fit :)

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