Monday 18 January 2016

Simple leg day workout

.someday i might actually exercise and have a butt like this... maybe. - #Beachbodies:


Huh! You know, I tried to check something ready-made that I could just easily copy-paste here. But when I was googling in the gym after a dance lesson lower body workout for runners, I found a lot of motivational talk, but not so many easy and simple workout-sets. So, I created one by combining all the all-time favorites and basic movements!

And, no matter, what is your goal, run faster, be stronger or have a booty that will amaze others later, they are all valid sources for motivation! Yes, you heard correctly, runners too benefit from good muscles.

If you are a beginner, it is better to do with a little bit lighter weights and a bit more reps to build up some strength. But! When you handle the movements, and you have already done some weightlifting, you should go for more weights! :D

Have about 30-60s breaks between each sets. You can stretch your muscles or for example do abs.

1. 3x 12 Squats
2. 3x 10 Romanian dead lifts

-remember to have straight back! And keep your abs and whole body tensed!

3. Alternate these movements
a)jump to a box (40cm-80cm depending on your fitness level) 10 times
or step to a box with 10-20kg extra weight

b)do 20 bicycle abs

4)Alternate these movements for 3 sets

a) 12 lunges per side with 10-20 extra weights
b) 12 push ups

5) 3x 12 Barbell hip thrust

6) 3 x30 calf raises

Enjoy, remember to stretch :)


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