Sunday, 17 January 2016


Sundays are always very likely to be spent at home, especially in winter when it is cold... Therefore I have a little workout that can be done from the sofa!

You can do as many sets as you wish!

- 20 squats: do as you would take a seat on the sofa but stop 2 cm before

- 10 sofa dips:

- 20 sofa climbers: arms on the sofa, not the floor :)
- 10 side-to-side sofa walk: same bosition as above (plank with hand on the sofa) and move from one side to the other of the sofa

- 15 leg raises: sitting on the sofa, raise your legs 20 times

- 16 raised leg circles: holding your legs in the air, make circles. Alternate the direction of the circles

So that was it, not so much huh? Have fun!!!!

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